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Australien - Australia in 2025

  • The World-Cultural-Shock


Preparatory-Website for Australia




Of course everybody should put his own house in order first!

The fact there are not only loser as in the Third- and Fourth-World but directly in our families or regions of our own country may not be overlooked, because, finally, the whole world economy system is an extremely questionable implementation of trade, traffic and banking transactions and always the stronger one can become even stronger and therefore the weaker one compulsory must become weaker and weaker as a result!

Also the sharp one always becomes advantage and then the silly-minded one carries off the disadvantage. Of course everyone should put his own house in order first of all like in a capitalistic country for e. g. in the FRG or in the USA, where people can freeze to death as homeless people or can fall ill seriously by a defective quality of life and they could die, too.

Nevertheless, the lion's share must be invested by the rich as governors of the money in the present developing countries, at what an investment must always yield a real "profit distribution" for all partners equally!

Notices: The situation has to be distinguished rigorously with the lazy people and the diligent people, what can be also valid for a whole country and its population!!!

       Das Weltkulturerbe        The World-Cultural-Heritage
Ursula Sabisch
Am Ährenfeld 15
23564 Lübeck, Germany

E-Mail: netsur@freenet.de